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Caspian Energy (CE): Mr. Timmermans, how will the EU’s «Green Deal», if implemented by 2050, save the climate situation on the planet? Is it planned to be coordinated with India, China, the USA, Great Britain and Russia?

Frans Timmermans, European Commission Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal: The European Green Deal is the EU’s strategy to become the first climate-neutral continent in the world. The European Green Deal is about renewable and cutting-edge technologies for the energy transition, about protecting and restoring nature, about moving to a circular economy, about improving the wellbeing of people and making sure this is a just transition where no one will be left behind. Making Europe climate-neutral will be good for people, planet and the economy.

 The EU is currently responsible for about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The climate crisis is a global crisis, and each country will need to step up and reduce its own emissions. That is, after all, what we committed to in the Paris Agreement and reinforced at last year’s climate summit in Glasgow. Major emitters have a specific responsibility to ensure that we can keep global warming to the limit of 1,5 degrees.

 So we have to cooperate. In this sense, the Green Deal itself can offer solutions that could also benefit other countries’ fight against the climate crisis. International fora like the G7, G20, the climate COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, and the biodiversity COP15 in Montreal are important moments for global cooperation, and to take stock of everyone’s efforts so far to act on what we all agreed. The more international cooperation we have, the more effective our fight against the climate and biodiversity crises will be.


CE: You have been dealing with climate issues in the EU since 2019, how far has the European Commission managed to move in this direction during this time?

Frans Timmermans: Despite the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the pandemic, the European Union has made enormous progress on implementing the Green Deal and tackling climate issues.

 In June 2021, we agreed on the EU Climate Law. This law sets a legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction target: by 2030, we must emit at least 55% less as compared to 1990 levels. The EU Climate Law also puts our commitment to be climate-neutral by 2050 into law. And with the Fit-for-55 package presented in July 2021, we proposed a wide set of measures to reach these targets. Negotiations to adopt this package are ongoing, and we aim to finalize them by the end of the year. I am confident that the outcome will be an ambitious one. 

 Recently, we also presented plans to ensure we move towards a circular economy. We want to make sustainable products the norm in the EU. We therefore proposed new rules that will apply to almost all physical goods on the market. They should contain a minimum percentage of recycled materials, have no harmful chemicals, and be more energy efficient, for example.

 Last, but not least, in June we proposed new laws to enhance nature restoration, and significantly reduce the use of chemical pesticides. There will be binding targets to restore degraded ecosystems, in particular those areas with the most potential to help tackle the climate crisis. For example, ecosystems that are good at storing carbon and areas where restoration can reduce the impact of natural disasters. We also aim to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030, which will benefit pollinators, soil, the environment as well as our own health. These proposals are an important signal to Europe’s international partners ahead of the big biodiversity summit – the COP15 – that takes place at the end of this year in Montreal.

 All things considered, I think we are clearly making steady progress on each element of the Green Deal.


CE: How common is the opinion of all 27 EU countries on climate issues? Is it possible to reach consensus without infringing on the democratic and liberal values of the EU? 

Frans Timmermans:  All EU Member States agree on the fact that the climate crisis is a major challenge for our citizens, economies and the planet. And they are united in their determination to tackle this crisis: the EU Climate Law and the targets it established were agreed upon consensually and adopted unanimously.

 To pass climate legislation, all three European institutions – the Council, the Parliament, and the Commission – have to jointly agree on the proposed legislation before it can be adopted and applied. Doing so, we ensure that law-making in Europe follows a clearly defined and democratic process.

 Of course, individual circumstances in Member States differ, which is why measures to implement these laws may differ across Member States. EU legislation leaves enough flexibility for this. Take the example of energy: we have common European targets on the share of renewable energy and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but Member States are free to determine their own energy mix.


CE: Will the EU use gas as a replacement for petrol engines?

Frans Timmermans: No, that is very unlikely. From 2035, all new cars and vans registered in the EU must be zero-emission. We are still finalizing details in the negotiations, but we already know that the European Parliament and Member States back this target. The European Commission does not tell industry how to replace the combustion engine technologies, but it’s clear that European car makers have decided to focus on electrification. The number of plug-in electric vehicles on European roads is increasing every year. There are also other technologies to replace fossil-fuel combustion engines, such as hydrogen and even solar power. They are all allowed, as long as they comply with the emissions norms set in the legislation.


Thank you for the interview.

Природный газ обеспечивает около 24 % общего мирового спроса на энергию и, таким образом, как и нефть, играет очень важную роль в удовлетворении мировых энергетических потребностей. За последнее десятилетие на природный газ приходилось почти треть роста мирового потребления энергии, и ожидается, что использование природного газа также возрастет в будущем. Природный газ используется в основном для отопления домов и коммерческих зданий, приготовления пищи и производства электроэнергии, а также в нефтехимической промышленности.

Многие продукты, которые мы используем каждый день, такие как сотовые телефоны, косметика, солнцезащитные очки, компьютеры, лекарства и удобрения для сельского хозяйства, производятся с использованием природного газа в качестве исходного сырья. Природный газ транспортируется по трубопроводу или охлаждается и сжимается для производства СПГ, который транспортируется на газовозах. Экономический рост, цены на альтернативные источники энергии, погода, температура, адаптация к изменению климата и меры по смягчению его последствий — все это факторы, влияющие на спрос на газ.

Использование газа вместо угля для производства электроэнергии может привести к значительному сокращению выбросов парниковых газов. Европа и остальной мир используют много угля для производства электроэнергии. При производстве электроэнергии газ выделяет примерно вдвое меньше CO2, чем уголь. Поэтому замена угля газом в производстве электроэнергии —простой, эффективный и дешевый способ быстро сократить выбросы парниковых газов и улучшить качество воздуха.

 В 2019 году ЕС удалось сократить выбросы CO2 от производства электроэнергии на 42 млн тонн CO2 за счет замены угля газом. Для сравнения, 42 миллиона тонн CO2 соответствуют примерно 80 % общих выбросов CO 2 в Норвегии.

Газ также является хорошим партнером для возобновляемой энергии. В отличие от гидроэлектроэнергии, другие возобновляемые источники энергии, такие как солнце и ветер, не могут храниться и поэтому менее гибки. При отсутствии эффективных возможностей хранения энергии газ может производить энергию, когда не светит солнце и не дует ветер.

Поскольку Европа использует все больше  возобновляемых источников энергии, она будет нуждаться в гибкости, которую может обеспечить газ, чтобы сбалансировать колебания в энергоснабжении и обеспечить потребителей надежным электроснабжением.

Высокая ликвидность приводит к  чрезвычайной уязвимости рынка природного газа в случае его дефицита.  Любые -  политические,  страновые, технические, экологические  риски приводят к росту и последующей высокой волатильности цен.  Если добавить к этому высокую стоимость разведки и разработки месторождений природного газа, а также не развитость (относительно нефтяного  рынка) спотовой торговли газом, санкционная политика ЕС по ограничению поставок российского газа может привести  с одной стороны к смене векторов экспорта и переделыванию  их маркетинговой составляющей, возведению новой инфраструктуры и стимулированию новых поставок -  с другой стороны.

Традиционным поставщикам  Норвегии ( 25 процентов), Алжиру (11%) придется компенсировать выбывающие постепенно 39% сегмента российских поставок, добавляя поставки из Азербайджана и новые терминалы СПГ. Российскому Газпрому придется переориентировать  поставки в Азию что уже происходит.  Объем экспорта газа в Китай по газопроводу «Сила Сибири» в рамках двустороннего долгосрочного контракта между «Газпромом» и CNPC вырос на 60,9 % в период с января по июль 2022 года, сообщает  сайт компании 1 августа.


При этом в июле поставки в Китай шли сверх суточных контрактных количеств, а исторический рекорд суточного объема экспорта был обновлен трижды.


Дефицита газа в ЕС нет. Более того, есть даже переизбыток газа и газохранилища продолжают заполняться.


Снижение мирового спроса на газ за семь месяцев составило около 35 млрд куб. м в сравнении с аналогичным периодом 2021 года. Всего потребление сырья в странах ЕС сократилось на 31 млрд куб. м, а экспорт в страны дальнего зарубежья уменьшился на 34,7 % и составил 75,3 млрд куб. м. «Снижение потребления газа в ЕС стало ключевым фактором сокращения мирового спроса», — считают в «Газпроме».


Быстро устанавливаются плавучие терминалы сжиженного газа (к зиме заработают несколько из них – в том числе в Эстонии, Финляндии, Нидерландах, Германии, еще десяток будет готов через 1-2 года). В 2021 году нетто-экспорт газа из США вырос на 41 %.


В-третьих, задействуется резерв угольных электростанций, чтобы иметь возможность в случае необходимости отключить газовые электростанции и тем самым сэкономить газ (в некоторых странах Европы большая часть электроэнергии производится из газа).


Азербайджан увеличил поставки газа в Европу уже весной этого года, а в июле Еврокомиссия подписала с Азербайджаном меморандум о взаимопонимании по удвоению импорта азербайджанского природного газа как минимум до 20 миллиардов кубометров в год к 2027 году.


Экспорт задекларированных на таможне объемов газа из Азербайджана в I-ом полугодии 2022 года составил 11 млрд 364 млн 844,71 тыс. кубометров, что на 9,5% выше показателя января-июня прошлого года, сообщили агентству “Интерфакс-Азербайджан” в Государственном таможенном комитете (ГТК).


На поставки газа в отчетный период пришлось 40,26% от общего объема экспорта Азербайджана (в январе-июне 2021 года – 18%).


Стоимость экспорта задекларированного газа из Азербайджана составила $7 млрд 440 млн 434,54 тыс. (рост в 4,7 раза).


Алжир недавно заключил соглашения с Италией об увеличении поставок газа до конца года по газопроводу «Трансмед». Алжир стал первым поставщиком Италии, опередив Россию, после вторжения в Украину.


С начала 2022 года Алжир поставил в Италию 13,9 млрд кубометров, превысив ранее согласованные объемы на 113%.

Алжир является первым экспортером газа в Африке и поставляет в Европу около 11% ее потребностей.

Таким образом, любые перетрубации на мировом энергетическом рынке подчеркивают  прежде всего незаменимость газа как наиболее ликвидного энергоносителя. Замкнутость евразийского газового рынка посредством экспортных трубопроводов России, Казахстана, Азербайджана и Туркменистана, служит основой продолжения стабильных поставок, стимулирования инвестиций в отрасль , особенно в upstream регионов, где уже построена экспортная инфраструктура. Дальнейшее строительство регазификационных терминалов приведет к более гибкому хеджированию рисков, росту поставок, снижению волатильности цен  на все более и более отдаленную перспективу.

Natural gas accommodates about 24% of the world’s total energy demand and, thus, just as oil, plays a very important role in meeting global energy needs. Natural gas has accounted for almost a third of the growth in global energy consumption over the past decade, and its consumption is also expected to increase in the future. Natural gas is mainly used for heating homes and commercial buildings, cooking and generating electricity, as well as in the petrochemical industry.

Many of the products we use every day, such as cell phones, cosmetics, sunglasses, computers, medicines and fertilizers for agriculture, are produced using natural gas as a feedstock. Natural gas is transported by pipeline or cooled and compressed to produce LNG, which is transported by LNG carriers. Economic growth, prices for alternative energy sources, weather, temperature, adaptation to the climate change and measures to mitigate its consequences – these are all factors affecting the demand for gas.

 Using gas instead of coal to generate electricity can lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Europe and the rest of the world use a lot of coal to generate electricity. When generating electricity, gas emits about half as much CO2 as coal. Therefore, replacing coal with gas in electricity production is a simple, efficient and cheap way to quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

In 2019, the EU managed to reduce CO2 emissions from electricity generation by 42 million tons, replacing coal with gas. Just for comparison, 42 million tons of CO2 correspond to about 80% of total CO2 emissions in Norway.

Gas is also a good partner for renewable energy. Unlike hydroelectric power, other renewable energy sources such as solar and wind cannot be stored and are therefore less flexible. In the absence of efficient energy storage capabilities, gas can produce energy when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing.

As Europe uses more and more renewable energy sources, it will need the flexibility that gas can provide to balance fluctuations in energy supply and provide consumers with a reliable electricity supply.

High liquidity leads to extreme vulnerability of the natural gas market in case of its shortage. Any - political, country, technical, environmental risks lead to an increase and subsequent high price volatility. If we add to this a high cost of exploration and development of natural gas fields, as well as insufficient development (relative to the oil market) of spot gas trade, it becomes clear that the EU’s sanctions policy to limit Russian gas supplies will result in a change of export vectors and remodeling of their marketing component on the one hand, and lead to the construction of new infrastructure and stimulation of new supplies on the other.

Traditional suppliers like Norway (25%) and Algeria (11%) will have to compensate for the gradually outgoing 39% of the Russian supply segment, adding supplies from Azerbaijan and new LNG terminals. Russian Gazprom will have to redirect supplies to Asia, which is already happening. Under a bilateral long-term contract between Gazprom and CNPC the volume of gas exports to China via the Power of Siberia (‘Sila Sibiri’) gas pipeline increased by 60.9% in the period from January to July 2022, the company’s website reported on August 1.

At the same time, in July, deliveries to China went beyond the daily contract volumes, and the historical record of the daily export volume was updated three times.

There is no gas shortage in the EU. Moreover, there is even an overabundance of gas and gas storage facilities continue to fill up.

The decline of global gas demand made about 35 billion cubic meters within a 7-month window compared with the same period in 2021. Total consumption of gas in the EU countries decreased by 31 billion cubic meters, and exports to non-CIS countries fell by 34.7% and amounted to 75.3 billion cubic meters. “The reduction of gas consumption in the EU has become a key factor in the decline of global demand,” Gazprom believes.

Floating liquefied gas terminals are being installed quickly (several of them will be operational by winter, including in Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, and a dozen more will be ready in 1-2 years).        

Thirdly, reserves of coal-fired power plants are tapped to be able to turn off gas-fired power plants if necessary and thereby save gas (in some European countries, most of the electricity is produced from gas).

Azerbaijan increased gas supplies to Europe already this spring, and in July the European Commission signed a memorandum of understanding with Azerbaijan on doubling the import of Azerbaijani natural gas to at least 20 billion cubic meters per year by 2027. The export of gas volumes, declared at customs, from Azerbaijan in the first half of 2022 amounted to 11 billion 364 million 844.71 thousand cubic meters, which is 9.5% higher than in January-June last year, the State Customs Committee (SCC) told Interfax-Azerbaijan. Gas supplies accounted for 40.26% of Azerbaijan’s total exports during the reporting period (18% in January-June 2021). The export value of declared gas from Azerbaijan amounted to $7 billion 440 million 434.54 thousand (an increase of 4.7 times).

Algeria has recently concluded agreements with Italy to increase gas supplies through the Transmed gas pipeline by the end of the year. Algeria became the first supplier to Italy, getting ahead of Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of 2022, Algeria has delivered 13.9 billion cubic meters to Italy, exceeding the previously agreed volumes by 113%.

Algeria is the first gas exporter in Africa and meets about 11% of the Europe’s needs.

Thus, any peretrubation in the global energy market emphasizes, first of all, the indispensability of gas as the most liquid energy carrier. The seclusion of the Eurasian gas market through export pipelines of Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan serves as the basis for continuing stable supplies, stimulating investment in the industry, especially into the upstream sector of regions where export infrastructure has already been built. Further construction of regasification terminals will lead to a more flexible hedging of risks, increase in supplies and price volatility reduction for an increasingly longer term.

The 21st North Caspian Regional Atyrau Oil&Gas Exhibition And The North Caspian Regional Construction Exhibition - Atyraubuild Completed In Atyrau.

For more than 20 years of its existence, Atyrau Oil&Gas exhibition has become the central meeting place for oil and gas industry specialists, providing a key platform for communication between representatives of government officials and leading market players. Traditionally, new ways for partnership projects in the areas of oil and gas exploration and production, industrial equipment production and infrastructure development were presented at the site. The exhibition served as a significant event for the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan, presenting the latest trends in the development of the oil and gas and construction industries in the region, as well as the latest technologies and equipment.

Products manufactured by the participants themselves and supplied by official distributors were presented by 102 companies from various countries, including Finland, Austria, Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Russia and Turkey. The exhibition also included collective expositions organized by the Export Support Center of the Perm region and the Development Corporation of the Udmurt Republic of the Russian Federation.

The overall increase in the number of companies participating in the exhibition was 20% compared to last year. The growth in the number of participants also reflects the global trend of increasing demand for energy resources and the search for new, more efficient and environmentally friendly ways to extract and use them. The significant increase in debutants (over 40% of the total) also highlights the growing interest in the exhibition and its role as a key platform for interaction between representatives of the oil and gas industry. Most of them have already positively assessed participation in exhibitions as a necessary investment for their further growth.

- This is our first time taking part in this exhibition. We have very high expectations and are very pleased with the number of visitors. The purpose of our participation is to show large companies in the region our local production, and that it is very profitable to work with us, thanks to savings on logistics. Thank you for organizing this exhibition, said Dilnaz Akmaliyeva, the manager of Erreesse Caspian Valves.

Representatives of Machinist company from Finland also made their debut in 2024. During the three days of the exposition, the first agreements on cooperation in Kazakhstan were reached; the participation brought good results, according to the participants.

- We came to Atyrau for an Oil and Gas exhibition in order to get acquainted with the local market. We would like to assess how our technology can be useful here. There are some successes: yesterday there was a meeting with customers from Karaganda, where construction of a large industrial facility is planned. Today there will be another meeting with another potential customer. We have prepared a favourable offer, we really hope that it will be interesting, and we will be able to make a deal while being here at the exhibition”, said Vladimir Volkov, a representative of the Machinist company.

Many companies from the CIS countries took part in the exhibition in order to find distributors in the western cities of Kazakhstan.

It is worth noting that many visitors, after analyzing and monitoring the participants of the Atyrau Oil&Gas exhibition, decide to become participants in the next exposition, as they see opportunities for the development and expansion of their business, and perceive the exhibition as an effective site for promoting their goods and services.

- The exhibition is very interesting from the point of view of studying the market, participants and visitors. In general, such events are necessary to show potential customers the products, materials, goods. I believe that the exhibition is one of the most important marketing tools for promoting oil and gas companies, said Zhandos Mukhambetov, a guest from Almaty.

The organizers of such exhibitions, however, as well as their participants, are confident that every year in Kazakhstan the number of joint ventures with countries near and far abroad that are interested in the Kazakhstan market will grow. As part of the business program of the exhibition, 13 dialogue platforms were organized on current topics in the development of the country’s oil and gas sector.

The rich program was provided by dozens of speakers from among government officials, expert practitioners, and representatives of major industry associations and unions. During the seminars, industry experts from companies such as Tengizchevroil, Caspian Pipeline Consortium, EnergoInnovatsiya Association of Innovative Enterprises in the Energy Sector, National Institute for Development in the Field of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency JSC and others shared their experience.

It should be noted that a new feature of the exhibitions was the launch of the innovative mobile application - ITECA.EVENTS. Its main task is to make both participation and visiting of the exhibition as productive as possible. Using the application, participants could make appointments with potential customers and collect contacts by scanning QR codes of badges. And visitors always had at their disposal a list of participants with a list of products and services presented at the exhibition, as well as a business program schedule and an interactive exhibition plan.

Traditionally, the Atyrau Oil&Gas and AtyrauBuild exhibitions have become productive industry platforms and have given all market participants the opportunity to get acquainted with the products and services of exhibitors, discuss pressing issues and conclude profitable contracts.

The General Partner of the Atyrau Oil&Gas exhibition is Tengizchevroil. The Golden Partners of the event are Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Embamunaigas. The Silver Partner of the event is Dereknet.

Official support for the events was provided by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akimat of the Atyrau region, KAZENERGY Kazakhstan Association of Oil and Gas and Energy Complex Organizations ALE, KAZSERVICE Union of Service Companies, Union for the Development of Strategic Partnerships in the Oil and Gas Industry - PETROCOUNCIL.KZ, Kazakhstan Society of Petroleum Workers and Geologists (KONG), Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The events are organized by Iteca Kazakhstan Exhibition Company and its international partner - ICA Events Group of Companies.

On April 14, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov met with his Uzbek counterpart Bakhtiyor Saidov within the framework of the working visit made to Uzbekistan, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the information placed on the social network of the ministry.

"The ministers discussed a wide range of issues related to the further expansion of the Azerbaijani-Uzbek strategic partnership and the current regional situation," the ministry said.

14 апреля министр иностранных дел Азербайджана Джейхун Байрамов в рамках рабочего визита в Узбекистан встретился с министром иностранных дел этой страны Бахтиёром Саидовым. Об этом передает CaspianEnergyMedia со ссылкой на сообщение в аккаунте  Министерства иностранных дел в социальной сети.

"Министры обсудили широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с дальнейшим расширением азербайджано-узбекистанского стратегического партнерства, текущей региональной ситуацией", - отмечено в социальной сети внешнеполитического ведомства.

Местом проведения 29-й сессии Конференции сторон Рамочной конвенции ООН об изменении климата – COP29 выбран Бакинский стадион.

Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на АЗЕРТАДЖ, об этом сказала председатель правления Операционной компании COP29, главный исполнительный директор по операциям Нармин Джарчалова на первой пресс-конференции в штаб-квартире COP29.

Она отметила, что, хотя в Азербайджане и ранее проводились различные международные мероприятия, COP29 станет крупнейшим мероприятием по количеству участников и масштабу. Решение о месте проведения COP29 было принято после консультаций с ООН и с учетом опыта предыдущих мероприятий COP. В ходе масштабных мероприятий, проведенных по сей день на этой площадке, были полностью обеспечены эффективное использование и устойчивость инфраструктуры.

По словам Джарчаловой, синяя и зеленая зоны, которые будут организованы на территории стадиона в период проведения COP29, подготавливаются в координации с командой организаторов. Вокруг стадиона будут установлены конструкции, позволяющие организовать все пленарные заседания конференции в едином пространстве.

Monday, 15 April 2024 13:06

Venue for COP29 chosen in Baku

Baku Stadium has been chosen as the venue for COP29. As reported by Caspian Energy Media with reference to AZERTAC, this was stated by Narmin Jarchalova, Chair of the COP29 Operating Company and Chief Operating Officer, at the first press conference held at the COP29 Presidency headquarters.

She emphasized that Azerbaijan has already hosted a variety of international events, but in terms of scale and number of participants COP29 will be the largest event hosted by the country. She said that Baku Stadium has been chosen as the venue for the conference. This decision took into account the advice of the UN (UNFCCC) and the experience of previous conferences of the parties. The venue's infrastructure has already proved efficient and sustainable at large-scale events.

According to Narmin Jarchalova, the Blue and Green Zones for COP29 will fit neatly on the stadium territory, and a plan for the venue is being drawn up in coordination with the UN organizing team to reduce to a minimum the negative impact on the environment. Additional buildings will be set up around the stadium itself so that all the plenary sessions of the conference can be held in a single space.

15 апреля в Генеральном штабе COP29 состоялась первая пресс-конференция в связи с 29-й сессией Конференции Сторон Рамочной конвенции ООН об изменении климата, которая состоится в ноябре 2024 года в Азербайджане.

Как сообщает в понедельник Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на Trend, на мероприятии выступили назначенный президент COP29 Мухтар Бабаев, главный переговорщик COP29 Ялчин Рафиев, генеральный директор COP29 Эльнур Солтанов, председатель совета директоров и главный исполнительный директор операционной компании по COP29 Нармин Джарчалова, лидер высокого уровня ООН по климату Нигяр Арпадараи, "Молодежный защитник климата" CОР29 по Азербайджану Лейла Гасанова.

Привлечение бизнеса на 29-ю сессию Конференции сторон Рамочной конвенции ООН об изменении климата (COP29), которая пройдет в Азербайджане, является одной из приоритетных задач страны.

Об этом на пресс-конференции в штаб-квартире COP29 заявила Лидер высокого уровня ООН по климату на COP29 Нигяр Арпадараи.

Она отметила, что с этой целью будут проведены бизнес-форумы.

Работы по подготовке к 29-й сессии Конференции сторон Рамочной конвенции ООН по изменению климата (COP29) ведутся в двух направлениях. Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на Report, об этом сказал главный переговорщик COP29 Ялчин Рафиев на первой пресс-конференции в штаб-квартире COP29.

Первое направление связано с работой над документами, которые будут приняты на конференции, а также с предложениями Азербайджана по климату.

«В то же время были совершены визиты во многие государства, состоялся обмен опытом по COP, проведены обсуждения. Основной целью бакинской сессии COP является создание консенсуса с учетом разногласий между сторонами», - сказал он.

29- я Конференция Сторон - COP 29 пройдет 11–22 ноября 2024 года в Баку. COP29, как и ее предшественники, сосредоточится на продвижении целей РКИК ООН и Парижского соглашения, включая усилия по ограничению глобального потепления, адаптации к последствиям изменения климата и мобилизации финансирования для этой деятельности.

Эта конференция будет включать в себя несколько ключевых встреч: 29-ю сессию Конференции Сторон (COP 29), 19-е заседание КС как Совещания Сторон Киотского протокола (CMP 19) и шестое заседание КС  как Совещание Сторон Парижского соглашения (CMA 6).

Основная цель этих встреч будет заключаться в доработке первой расширенной структуры прозрачности и установлении новой коллективной количественной цели в области финансов, среди других важных вопросов.

On April 15, the COP29 General Headquarters hosted the first press conference regarding the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to be held in November 2024 in Azerbaijan,

As reported by Caspian Energy Media with reference to Trend, COP29 President Mukhtar Babayev, COP29 Lead Negotiator Yalchin Rafiyev, COP29 CEO Elnur Soltanov, COP29 Operating Company Chairman and CEO Narmin Jarchalova, UN High-Level Climate Champion Nigar Arpadarai, and COP29 Youth Climate Champion for Azerbaijan Leyla Hasanova were among the speakers at the event.

One of the major priorities for the country is to attract businesses to the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to be held in Azerbaijan.

This was stated by UN High-Level Climate Champion Nigar Arpadarai at the press conference.

She noted that business forums would be held toward that end.